Vanity And Me Is One Year Old

Hi Everyone
Where does the time go? I realised that I have reached that one year spot. Yes I have been blogging for a year now, this birthday nearly slipped me by , and I didn’t want it to because to me it’s quite an accomplishment!

There is still a lot to be learnt in blogshere, I still very often get frustrated when I am trying to do something new! But the rewards far out way the frustrations, and so much has happened for me in this past year. If your a blogger I would love to know what you thought the most challenging part was when you first started, please let me know.

So I thought I’d do a little round-up of pictures and post’s from the beginning to now…

This is the first ever picture I posted of myself on line, and yes, too shy to face the camera! I am still wearing this dress on the odd occasion typically if you know me well enough it’s from F&F

It was just as hot this time last year, wearing one of my favourite maxi dresses, still unable to look at the camera!
Anyone else feel like this at the start of their blogging?

Actually, I would like to say a huge big thank you to all my readers. And also big big thank yous to all my new blogger friends, especially those that have given me support during my frustrations of not knowing what I was doing!

My beauty post have always been popular, the post about my take on exfoliating HERE is one of my most read post’s

One of the things I have loved about blogging, is for me about going out to new places, and finding things to write about. It has given me a little push to do things I kept putting on the back burner.

It’s made me think more about what I wear too, my accessorise budget was raised a little!

Fun day’s out like this one at Covent Garden. I have a huge list of places to go!

And not to forget about famous stores to see, I totally recommend anyone to go to Liberty’s. Really, as I look through these pictures and post’s it’s like a little on line diary to treasure such memories…

And hopefully I have managed to be a little helpful in the beauty post’s like this one HERE And I am not going to shut up about SPF!

Another thing I gained from blogging so far is confidence, I actually look at the camera now! I have always been shy and non-confident

I have enjoyed sharing what I think is a bargain find or just something I felt I needed to share (still hiding here though!)

I think the best blogger day I’ve  had is the FandF AW fashion event. Read it HERE Now that’s a day I wont forget! and I hope to go to a few more

So has it all been worth it? To me, yes it has. I have gained confidence, learnt so much more about computer skills, made some great friends, and of course the shopping! well you have to shop or browse just to have something to write about don’t you?!!

And here’s that dress again, one of the first pictured in Vanity And Me but this summer I got enough confidence to get me a hat!

Once again, a big thank you to all my readers and blogger friends. And to all bloggers a question? what has been your hardest part of blogging? And the easiest? would love to hear from you.
Xo Laurie

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  1. July 12, 2015 / 1:08 am

    Happy blogoversary! I totally feel you on the getting frustrated part. I feel like my lack of tech skills really holds me up sometimes, but hey, I'm having fun and that's the most important part to me!
    Thanks so much for being a part of Fun Fashion Friday. Hope you're having a super weekend!
    Dawn Lucy

    • July 13, 2015 / 7:11 am

      Thank you Dawn. If I can help you at any time Holla! and here's to lots more Fun Fashion Friday link up's x

  2. July 9, 2015 / 4:34 pm

    Congrats on your blogversary!! Lovely pictures, love your red/coral dress 🙂

  3. July 8, 2015 / 8:53 pm

    Happy bLogging birthday! Mine passed by recently and I completely forgot about it! The hardest bit is making time I think, and the best bit is still that people actually take the time to read! Lynne xx

    • July 13, 2015 / 7:05 am

      Thanks Lynne. I know what you mean about the time! it can be hard to fit it all in and keep up. I have fallen behind of late , and as you say the fact that people read your blog is such a boost. x

  4. July 8, 2015 / 8:21 pm

    Congratulations on your first blogversary! It is an achievement, I agree, and I wish you many more blogversaries on the future!

  5. July 8, 2015 / 5:11 pm

    Well done on your first year as a blogger, Laurie, looking forward to the next year. I always read and enjoy your posts.
    Sue xx

    • July 13, 2015 / 7:07 am

      Thank you so much Sue. It's comments like this that keep me going! x

  6. July 7, 2015 / 9:39 pm

    Congratulations on your anniversary blog. Looks very nice, I love the red dress is spectacular.