Hi everyone
Ive been off the radar for a couple of weeks, I have been in Essex to see the family and then on to Corby to help a friend who is on the move.

But prior to that, one day, a few weeks ago I had a surprise, a big surprise!

 You know the first thing you do in this blogging world, is catch up on your emails, your twitter, your facebook and your instagram and so on….. Well it was all going a bit mad, lots of new followers, lots of comments, I thought oo I’m a bit popular today! feeling a little smug with myself! (but still wondering why?)
It wasn’t until later that evening, that I turned on my blogger, you know like you do to check how much you’ve earned that day through Ad sense (and then you wonder why you bother!) that a little link caught my eye! Take a look HERE

Anyway, to explain why this happened is as follows. I received an email from the Telegraph, asking if it was OK to post a picture of me, as they were writing a piece on women over 50 using Instagram. I did reply back to say “oh yes, that’s great”, however I’m a bit flabbergasted as to why you would want to use my picture” Moi?…… Then I asked when it would be published? Nothing, zilch, never heard a word, so I thought, OK you’ve come to your senses and thought better of it. And then a few weeks down the line, it happened! It was published (A bit rude of the writer of the article me thinks not to even let you know)

So off to Essex I went, very chuffed with myself, then brought back down to earth by the grandson………….

A very bedraggled, worn out me, with feet firmly on the ground!
Xo Laurie

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  1. August 22, 2015 / 6:21 am

    Fabulous! Reality rules. 🙂

  2. August 19, 2015 / 1:56 am

    Congrats on the picture being published and yes how rude of them not to be in communication with you about it. Enjoy your grandson, he is too cute! I have 4 kids, (3 being toddlers) so I know the struggle.
    I would like to invite you to my weekly link up "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me" every Tuesday it goes live and 5 fashionistas/bloggers are chosen to be featured from the previous link up, hope to see you there.
    Rachel xo
    Please stop by Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me link up here
    Garay Treasures

    • August 20, 2015 / 2:27 pm

      Hi Rachel, thank you for your kind words. I will stop by and link up.
      Regards Laurie