Hi Everyone!
Well that’s another month gone by already! It’s that time of year when we have to start thinking about Christmas. CHRISTMAS!!! no thanks not yet, please give me enough time and money to get the AW15 wardrobe together! I have barely bought anything yet.
 My wardrobe always suffers  at this time of year. So many birthdays in the latter part of the year. I guess I should be more organised. I say it every year, never again! I will save in advance in the future. Does it happen? Does it heck!

Anyway here’s some idea of what my august was like………….

I bought these shoes in the Miss Selfridge sale for a bargain price of £15.00 They are so super soft comfy. I don’t normally go any wear near Miss Selfridge, thinking it is way too young for me, but there has been a rebellion due to #iwillwearwhatilike Created by the fabulous Catherine, who writes a blog called Not Dressed As Lamb

A blogger apparently wrote an article on what women should not wear, once past the age of thirty! How very dare she! So Catherine came up with the idea, we should all have a bit of fun with it, a bit like sticking your fingers up!  And so iwillwearwhatilike was born!
You can still join in on this tag on Instagram if you wish to. I participated as much as I could, and I know I will carry on posting on there too. But for me, it was great to meet more mature fashionistas from all over the world. But anyway, that’s how I ended up in Miss Selfridges, feeling brave because I can, even at my age, and I’m glad that I did!

So… While away on our little trip to Essex, and then on to Corby, what did I do? I left the blasted toiletries bag in Essex didn’t I. sigh, sigh as I am writing this as the other half had to treat me to a whole new lot, and does not need reminding! As luck would have it, there was a special offer on. Here’s what I got…

Buy two things, get the rest for free. So a much needed cleanser and moisturiser was bought. I used my free mascara birthday treat email, and the two little bottles are new foundations to try. Each little bottle will last around a month, so that’s two months worth for free too. What I will say though, the brush from Benifit “Roller lash” I prefer, so I just swap them over.

Something that did make me smile…..

I found this little chap in the tree of our garden! and not a bit phased about having a picture taken. I live right by Syon Park and in the big winds of 1986 the Avery of Syon Park was partly demolished, hence all the birds escaped. Over the years I guess the parrots have bred, and you often see them in parks nearby, but Ive never had one in my garden!

Anyway getting back to those sandals… Here is what I wore with them

Top, Kew Clothing, last season/ Trousers Primark, very old! but still love them

Bracelets, Gifted from Buckley London. I have been very pleased with them

Once again, new shoes from Miss Selfridge bargain sale price £15.00

Do you still shop in the boutiques aimed at younger (under thirties) women? Let me know, Oh and be proud!
Laurie x

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  1. September 21, 2015 / 8:00 pm

    LOVE those shoes….<3, <3, <3
    This post stood out amongst the #iwillwearwhatilike link up.
    Fake Fabulous

  2. September 6, 2015 / 6:03 pm

    Love your sandals, thanks for sharing at the Wednesday blog hop 🙂

  3. September 4, 2015 / 9:23 pm

    Sarah, Rules are made to be broken ! Thank you for commenting
    Laurie x

  4. September 4, 2015 / 9:12 pm

    I love your attitude! I totally think that fashion should be about expressing "oneself" and not about following rules. 🙂 Found you via Wordless Wednesday at OMHG.

    • September 4, 2015 / 9:19 pm

      Thank you Jaymie, will pop by next friday