Hi Everyone
I haven’t done a beauty post in a while, and wanted to share with you these two beauty treatments you might want to try…..

I have tried both of these treatments, and believe me the difference is instantly amazing. I have never had any invasive treatments done, I would most probably try fillers or botox if I could, but with my allergy’s there is no way I would take the plunge!

The first treatment is called the”CACI NON SURGICAL FACELIFT”

Most salons will let you have a sample treatment of this if you ask, it doesn’t hurt, just mild tingling and the treatment takes around an hour. This treatment was first invented for people suffering from Bells Palsy The machine trains your muscles to tighten and lift. It’s best to have a full course of treatments for lasting effect, but even after one session I promise you will notice a difference. A great one off treatment for a special event you may have planned.

A treatment here in London is around £40-£50 per hour, best to shop around the website for Caci HERE
Take a look at their website, well worth a read, and give it a go! I know it’s available all over the world, so any non UK readers google Caci International and you will find your nearest salon.


Now if you read my post regularly, you will know how I’m always banging on about EXFOLIATION! it’s  So important to have this in you beauty routine. Read my exfoliation post HERE

Microdermabrasion takes around 45 minutes to perform,  crushed crystals are shot through a tube. The tube is gently brushed over your face (like comfortable sandblasting) Again ask your salon if you can sample this to see what it’s like. This is the best form of deep exfoliation you can get. It can even erase some fine lines

I use Crystal Clear, because I have always had good results. There are many other brands out there for you to try, unbeatable for older skin and great for any acne sufferers. I try to get this treatment done twice a year, and see instant results take a look at the Chrystal Clear site HERE

Have you tried any special treatments you would like to share? Please leave a comment below, I love to hear about anything I might be missing!
Xo Laurie

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  1. September 9, 2018 / 9:43 am

    quite informative blog. thanks for sharing it. nice one.

  2. May 10, 2017 / 4:41 pm

    awesome blog, great information

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  3. August 25, 2016 / 11:24 am

    Effective treatments for some types of hair loss are available. But some hair loss is permanent.
    Hair Growth Treatment

  4. August 15, 2016 / 9:10 pm

    Laurie, I was trying to remember the name of a somewhat more radical form of microdermabrasion but it eludes me. That particular process involves popping of blood veins or something, leaving the skin a little bloodied and bruised, to speed up the natural rejuvenation cycle from 7 days to a mere 2-3 days. I saw it on Instagram and I also met someone who'd done it, and truth be told, I was more than a little appalled. Yours sounds like a far less intrusive (and perhaps safer) treatment 🙂

    • August 17, 2016 / 6:16 am

      I'm just writing a post on this now Sheela. Is it called Derma Rolling ? There are many different variations though. x

  5. December 21, 2015 / 11:14 pm

    Must try these, thanks! Thanks too for linking up to #brilliantblogposts

    • December 22, 2015 / 7:51 am

      Thank you for reading Vikki, they really are worth a try.

  6. December 19, 2015 / 4:08 am

    I am so basic when it comes to my skin care with facial wash and moisturizer and that's it. I have not tried anything beyond that.

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and have a wonderful holiday season. See you in 2016!


    • December 22, 2015 / 7:52 am

      Thank you also Alice. Have a great Christmas
      Laurie x

  7. December 17, 2015 / 8:13 pm

    Great Review…I am always on the hunt for good skin products, these sound great!

    • December 22, 2015 / 7:53 am

      Thank you so Much, Worth writing if it's helpful. Thanks for stopping by
      Laurie x

  8. December 17, 2015 / 8:10 pm

    It really is worth a try,pain free and the results are amazing
    Laurie x

  9. December 16, 2015 / 11:56 pm

    Sounds an interesting, I've never tried anything like this #BriliantBlogposts

    • November 18, 2015 / 7:36 am

      Thank you for reading my post Patti. They are both relaxing treatments too. Gain without pain !
      Laurie x

  10. November 9, 2015 / 8:23 am

    Jess, go to your beautician and just ask to sample on a tiny bit of your face. They will ask Q's and take a close look at your skin and advise.
    Laurie x

  11. November 6, 2015 / 5:32 pm

    I have been considering crystal microdermabrasion. I always enjoy hearing other people's experiences first, so thank you for sharing!

    • November 9, 2015 / 8:29 am

      The results are amazing, I recommend this highly. Thank you for commenting
      Laurie x

  12. November 6, 2015 / 6:22 am

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. sounds interesting

    • November 9, 2015 / 8:26 am

      It really is worth a try Nicole. Thank you for being a great host
      Laurie x

  13. November 5, 2015 / 5:41 pm

    These sound interesting Laurie, The micro I might be inclined to try, but I have very sensitive skin and some roseaca, I have been reading on skin care lately myself.
    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
    jess xx