Hi Everyone
A week of absence due to having the flu! I haven’t been that ill for ages .
Any way, I wanted to share with you my bargain find of the week, I do like it when the postman delivers little parcels from on line shopping. It’s becoming a little addictive. I had these leggings and polo jumper delivered from FandF Such a bargain to share….
I bought my last pair of leggings from my favourite brand , and I have to say I have not found any better anywhere else. They are a lot thicker than most brands, and keep their shape really well. I do size up on them though to avoid muffin top!
The Polo neck jumper is really cosy too, easy to wear with contrasting colours. These two items for £24 is such a bargain, great for me who is penny pinching after all the Christmas shopping!

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  1. December 20, 2015 / 5:52 am

    I love a good pair of leggings, those look fantastic! Glad you are feeling better,:-)

  2. December 5, 2015 / 7:26 pm

    You look fabulous…and the sweater is divine! Hope that you are feeling better! I found you through Fun Fashion Friday Link Up, but I have to follow you based on your tagline and this post alone! Love your style!

  3. December 4, 2015 / 9:44 pm

    Looking great in this outfit. I love finding great items with a great price too. Love your background by the way. 😉
    Thank you so much for your nice comments on my blog. Really appreciate it! Please join us today for Color and Grace Fashion link up!
    Keep in touch and take care!

  4. December 4, 2015 / 9:44 pm

    Looking great in this outfit. I love finding great items with a great price too. Love your background by the way. 😉
    Thank you so much for your nice comments on my blog. Really appreciate it! Please join us today for Color and Grace Fashion link up!
    Keep in touch and take care!

  5. December 4, 2015 / 6:13 am

    Thank you Sue. On the mend now
    Laurie x

  6. December 3, 2015 / 7:43 pm

    I do hope you are on the mend. Looking very good in your new buys.
    Sue x