Hi everyone
Are you nearly done? Have you shopped, wrapped, partied too hard,decorated,cooked? I am just about frazzled getting prepared for Christmas. And I haven’t wrapped everything yet or cooked (I have promised cakes and home made biscuits for everyone)
Sounds like a real moan reading it back, but I really wouldn’t have it any other way. My Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a bit of stress. And it is a tradition for me to go and buy last minute bits on Christmas eve.

I thought id write a little post on make up. I really don’t do huge amounts of make up. But when I’m out for an evening and I want to add a little sparkle, listed below is what I would use. I like to keep my eyes light, I have quite heavy eyelids now in my older age and I think you have to be a little careful of being over sparkly and dark eyeshadow can make my eyes seem a bit sunken……

So as you can see from above I keep it fairly simple… But I really believe lighter shades on the eye’s will make them look more lifted.

I start with a foundation , including a little on the eye’s to make eye shadow stay in place. Then I use a nude/peachy shade of eyeshadow or Estee Lauder Ivory Box eye shadow. The peachy one in the middle of the photo is great and quite iridescent, followed by a brown black or grey eye liner pencil.

When I’m out for an evening I apply either the gold or the silvery powder shown in the little pots below. I use these after I have applied  the eye shadow

These little Barry M glitter pots are pretty amazing, and so cheap! you can use them any wear on the body you want to add a little shimmer to. They look great with a tan, use a large blusher brush dip the tip of the brush in the pot, shake excess away and brush on the shoulders or up the leg shins. sounds a bit dramatic, but they are really subtle

Again when I’m applying to eye’s I use the smaller brush. Dip the tip of the brush in, make sure you shake the brush well and blend into your eye socket. It leaves just a little shimmer, and will accentuate your eyelids. If you don’t like too much colour on your eye’s this is great to try.
If  I want to add a little sparkle to my nails, I use my favourite nail colour and just use gold or silver glitter polish over the top
If your interested in where to buy these easy add sparkly items, just click the pictures below
Enjoy getting sparkly!
Laurie x

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  1. December 22, 2015 / 9:19 pm

    Love your picks. Sparkles are essential for this time of year! They are so feminine and fun, suiting any outfit especially noes with little details.

    • December 23, 2015 / 7:14 am

      Thank you for stopping by.the Boujois peach eyeshadow I wear all the time, just gives my eye's a little lift
      Laurie x

  2. December 22, 2015 / 7:56 am

    Thank you Regina, i'm sure your sparkle looks fantastic, Merry Christmas to you, and thank you for stopping by
    Laurie x

  3. December 21, 2015 / 9:17 pm

    I probably go overboard on sparkly when I wear makeup…and certainly on my nails…because I love some shimmer in my blush and eye shadow. I don't mean, the "I'm 12 and have no idea what a demon glitter is" kind of shimmer, just a good little amount of shimmer. I love the little sun-kissed feel my cheeks have when there's a touch of shimmer in the blush. (I do not wear bronzer…heck, no.) I love your make up and polish choices here…very pretty and perfectly sparkly! Merry Christmas…and shine on!

  4. December 21, 2015 / 11:37 am

    I am huge fan of the Bourjois blush, it's one product I can live without. Thanks so much linking up to Classy Monday Blog Link Up.

    Debs x

    Elegantly Fashionable

    • December 22, 2015 / 7:57 am

      Thank you for stopping by, and of course for hosting. Have a great Christmas Debs
      Laurie x

  5. December 21, 2015 / 4:54 am

    I love a little bit of sparkle – they say we shouldn't wear it when we're over 50 but I think moderation in all things is fine. I would have loved to see you in your evening make up splendor! thanks for sharing at out #OTM link up #3 ~ 🙂 Leanne

    • December 22, 2015 / 8:00 am

      Thank you for stopping by Leanne,not too confident regarding those close up shots!
      Have a great Christmas