Hi Everyone

I was really pleased when JD Williams sent me an invitation to view their over 50’s  fashion show in London last week.

When I arrived at the Cafe Royal (beautiful place by the way) you could really feel that something special was going on. If your ever in London I advise a visit to this amazing place.
This was the first time a catwalk show used only models over fifty, Just that alone is something to be celebrated

We were shown into the Pompadour Ballroom suite, beautiful surroundings and so right for this show

                                                               All very grand!

                                                   How beautiful is that ceiling?

The best idea behind this fashion show, was that it was geared up for us over 50 women. It’s true to say that there are so many women over the age of 50 that lack body confidence, but it is also true that many women over 50 do not want to feel left behind in the fashion stakes anymore.


The Ballroom was soon crowded, waiting…..
I was amazed at how many celebrities were there, Anthea Turner, Joe Wood, Susan George, Patti Boulaye is just for starters. I was trying not to stare too much!!!

And so the show started.. Hang on a minute MARIE HELVIN!!! This is when the camera got all wonky MARIE HELVIN!! I was nearly squealing . This for me was a moment, one of my all time favourite models

I will include some shots now that that JD Williams kindly sent, so that you can view what I saw clearly……

                                           Still looking fabulous, owning that catwalk

This coat was designed by Meng Wu from the London Collage Of Fashion. It was the chosen winner of all the designs. A coat that can be worn 30 different ways, and will be listed in the JD Williams AW16 on line.

Everyone applauded when the beautiful Daphne Selfe (87) joined the catwalk, Her posture still as good as a twenty year old!

The show seemed to be over so quickly, I could have sat there watching for ages. There were drinks after, and I even got to mingle with a few celebrities, so that really finished the day off nicely!

                     Anthea Turner, it was great to chat to her after the show. She was lovely

                                              Lizzy Cundy And Patty Boulaye

                            I could get used to clinking glasses with the celebs!!
Take a look at JD Williams on line collections HERE you wont be disappointed

XO Laurie

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  1. May 25, 2016 / 11:25 am

    What a great event! I was reading an interview with Anthea Turner in a magazine yesterday…she looks amazing and I was gobsmacked to read that she's 55! Good on her for admitting to having botox and a boob job, so many celebs blatantly lie about it when it's obvious.

    Emma xxx

    • May 26, 2016 / 7:54 pm

      Emma,I couldn't believe how tiny Anthea was ! We cuddled up for the photo and it was like nothing there ! She was lovely to chat to though xx

  2. May 25, 2016 / 11:25 am

    What a great event! I was reading an interview with Anthea Turner in a magazine yesterday…she looks amazing and I was gobsmacked to read that she's 55! Good on her for admitting to having botox and a boob job, so many celebs blatantly lie about it when it's obvious.

    Emma xxx

  3. April 18, 2016 / 10:29 am

    Oh this post is FABULOUS! Can't wait to hear more about this upcoming wedding

    • April 19, 2016 / 7:33 am

      Thank you replica store, will keep you posted !

  4. March 17, 2016 / 12:28 pm

    THANK YOU so much for posting this!! THIS is what I'm talking about. Beautiful women over 50 on the runway, we need to do this MORE in fashion.

    over 50 fashion bloggers are not just style inspo for women of the same age, there is a whole generation of younger women looking at you…..deciding how we want our style to mature without getting "old"

    • March 19, 2016 / 1:04 am

      Thank you so much for stopping by Angela. Yes the 50 plus age group are growing and on the up! And it's great to be seen that way.

  5. March 1, 2016 / 8:30 pm

    What a stunning place and a fashion show looks like a lot of fun 🙂

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix
    Stevie x

    • February 29, 2016 / 8:53 pm

      It was a great day Zuma, thanks for stopping by x

  6. February 29, 2016 / 1:04 pm

    Hi Laurie! Great post! I have featured this story on my Facebook page, Aging Well for Women. Keep up the great work!

    • February 29, 2016 / 8:52 pm

      Thank you so much Angela, you have made my day x

    • February 29, 2016 / 8:54 pm

      Thank you for hosting Ann

  7. February 29, 2016 / 5:06 am

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Thanks for sharing this fashion show with us. The photos tell a great story. That must have been awesome.

    • February 29, 2016 / 8:54 pm

      Thank you Nicole, it was a great day x

  8. February 28, 2016 / 6:03 am

    Oh, I bet you had the Best time! This looks like an amazing event and I just loved seeing all of those beautiful over 50 models. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend!

    • February 29, 2016 / 9:26 pm

      The hotel was stunning! I recommend anyone to go.

    • February 29, 2016 / 9:28 pm

      Thank you Alice x

    • February 29, 2016 / 9:29 pm

      Thank you Celyn, thanks for stopping by
      Laurie x

  9. February 24, 2016 / 6:52 pm

    Oh wow this looks great Laurie, so jealous :):) Great pictures, I would love to go somewhere like this..

    Thanks for linking up

    • February 29, 2016 / 9:30 pm

      Claire it was fabulous, I could do fashion shows everyday! I was in my element
      Laurie x

  10. February 24, 2016 / 2:45 am

    This looks like so much fun, Laurie! I love this concept, and those ladies were owning the runway! Thank you for sharing such a neat event with us.

    • February 29, 2016 / 9:31 pm

      Thank you Regina x