Turmeric Plus A Healthier Start

I’ve been thinking for a while that it’s time to get healthier.

Age is creeping up on me, I feel it and I don’t like it! Especially when I have been running around with the grandchildren or I have had them stay over for a few days. I seem to get so tired and my muscle tone is not to my liking and it’s time to start looking after myself a bit more. I have decided that through the Autumn and winter I am going to have a little health kick and see if I notice a difference.

There are three main categories that I want to try

1) A healthier diet. I am going to try and cut out some of my sugar and fat consumption
2) A month’s supply of Turmeric + That I have been gifted
3) Yoga

I always feel more sluggish in the winter. The coldness, the wet and the windy weather really is enough to put you off setting outside the door. So I will be doing Yoga in my front room, nice and warm. I also like the quick work out videos that you can buy now. I  tried these earlier in the year but was left aching all over (sad huh?) Yoga just looks so much more gentle . And so this is where my Turmeric plus supplement is hopefully going to come in handy.

Turmeric has long been used  in Indian cooking and as a herbal remedy. Now a lot of my readers are aware of my multiple allergies, and as luck would have it, this is one spice I can actually have! I remember well after having yet another long list of allergy testing receiving a phone call to tell me around fifteen more things that I’m allergic to. Then in his smiley voice, he said “All is not lost though. You can have Turmeric. As much as you like” Thanks. I remember putting the phone down and crying, but hey, my lucks in an I can try this supplement.
So, what is Turmeric good for?

Anti ageing – Full of antioxidants
Turmeric will help maintain healthy joints
Well known for being anti-inflammatory
Helps the digestive system

This Turmeric plus supplement apparently is thirty times more absorbent and I’m going to get a whole lot of Turmeric in one tablet.
Now all I have to do is get me a yoga mat and I’m good to go. Do you take any supplements or vitamins? I will be doing a follow-up post in a months time to let you know how I get on with my supplement. So do pop back for that.
What is your favourite form of exercise ? I would love to know if you have tried Turmeric + before or are tempted to try. Please do let me know!
Xo Laurie

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  1. October 30, 2017 / 10:27 am

    I think that its incredible smell is dispelled everywhere it is possible. I never knew that Turmeric is used as a herbal remedy.

  2. October 10, 2017 / 4:01 pm

    Thank you for the shared opoinion. I think that it can be used in practice. I will be waiting for the continuation of the article.

  3. August 22, 2017 / 7:22 am

    I just recently started adding turmeric to my dishes. And I can agree with you, it has a good effect on my body

  4. September 1, 2016 / 6:22 pm

    I love yoga too and I have been so lazy the last few years. really need to exercise too. never heard of turmeric supplements but they sound interesting! #brillblogposts

  5. September 1, 2016 / 4:39 pm

    Laurie, I'm so proud of you for being proactive. I take supplements every day and drink a turmeric tea with lemon. I've done this religiously since being a caregiver to my sister and mother, both have since passed from cancer. I also love yoga … I'm not one to do it every day but when I'm feeling sluggish or my muscles feel tight I hit the mat for a good stretch … you will definitely feel a difference! Thank you for sharing with us at #SimplifyWednesdays Pinned, Shared, Tweeted

    Carla a.k.a Mrs R @ SimplifyLifeWithMrsR.com

  6. September 1, 2016 / 7:25 am

    I don't take any supplements or vitamins, I think I should start taking them. It's great to know that Turmeric is also anti-ageing, could use it more often now. #brillblogposts

    • August 31, 2016 / 7:59 pm

      Fabulous Jodie. This is the first lot of supplements I have tried. So far so good x

  7. August 21, 2016 / 12:35 pm

    I've been reading a lot about turmeric and its benefits and always plan on using it more in my cooking (but I haven't really all that much).

    I'm really looking forward to seeing how you like the supplement!

    And I'm with you on taking better care of myself! I'm determined to get more muscle tone, lose a few pounds, and really take care of my low back (which tends to act up when I don't take care of it with certain exercises) this fall.

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    • August 31, 2016 / 8:04 pm

      This sounds just like me Andrea! When I do just light exercise my back at the bottom really aches. and muscle tone, Mine's just disappearing. x